Adding custom blockchain


TokenPocket wallet now supports adding EVM, Polkadot, and EOSIO technology blockchain through configuration. If the project party wants the TokenPocket wallet to support non-EVM, Polkadot, EOSIO technology blockchain, it can apply for custom blockchain development.

Submit a custom blockchain

TokenPocket wallet evaluates the custom blockchain applications, and communicates with the project party to get preliminary understanding. The information that the project party needs to submit in advance includes the official website, contact number, email address, blockchain node, blockchain browser and so on.

When receiving your application, we will arrange to check, review and reply as soon as possible. Submission Format: ​

project official website: ​

Project contact phone:02x-223xxx12 ​

Project contact ​

Project node information: ​

Project blockchain browser: ​

Project brief:x x x ​

Please send the above information to

Last updated