
GitHub: TP iOS SDK

MiniWallet only supports the EOS network. Via MiniWallet, user can do some special actions without pulling up TokenPocket. This way can provide a better user experience.


Initialize in AppDelegate.m , in method -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

[TPApi registerAppID:@"tpsdk"];
[TPApi setSeed:@"xxxx" error:nil];
[TPApi setBlockChain:TPBlockChainTypeEOSMainNet nodeUrl:@"" plugNodeUrl:@""];


TPAuthObj *auth = [TPAuthObj new];
auth.dappName = @"xxx";
auth.dappIcon = @"https:.../xx.png";
auth.account = "xxxx";
auth.perm = "xxxx";
auth.selectAll = NO;
auth.actions = [linkActions];
[TPApi sendObj:auth resultHandle:^(TPReqType type,NSError *error) {
    // ...        

/// Response ↓
    "ref" : "TokenPocket",
    "publickey" : "EOS5AvWThdghtNngWP4UcNi9DL6kF7Mnv2ccO",
    "sign" : "SIG_K1_JyCJtV9vqwxtyEt68UhUibkg1CmRjxtG6zkZwE...",
    "timestamp" : "1554266633",


  • Build the data and replace the permission field value in the field action in action with the perm field passed by calling auth.

  • Call TPApi perm:(NSString *)perm isLinkActions:(NSArray<TPLinkAction *> *)actions account:(NSString *)account completion:(void (^)(BOOL permExisted,BOOL linked,NSError *error))completion check action binding fixed state.

  • If the second step binds successfully, call Auth directly.

  • If the binding fails in the second step, the developer needs to replace the permission field with active or owner in order to pull up the wallet to perform the operation.


Modify the seed

+ (void)resetSeed:(NSString *)seed newSeed:(NSString *)newSeed error:(NSError **)error;

Get the information of authorized account

+ (NSArray<NSString *> *)getAccounts;

Check if permission exists

+ (void)isPermExist:(NSString *)perm account:(NSString *)account completion:(void (^)(BOOL exist,NSError *error))completion;

Check if the permission has been linked to the action

+ (void)perm:(NSString *)perm isLinkActions:(NSArray<TPLinkAction *> *)actions account:(NSString *)account completion:(void (^)(BOOL permExisted,BOOL linked,NSError *error))completion;

Clear local authorization

+ (BOOL)clearAuth:(NSString *)account;

Last updated