QRCode Protocol


This document show the QR code protocol supported by the TokenPocket wallet. Note that there are several QR code entrances in TokenPocket wallet, and the scanning functions of individual entrances are slightly different, which will be explained below.

TokenPocket Android 1.6.7 has already supported new version of the QR code protocol. Watch wallet in 1.6.7 and above versions will use new protocol. For details, please refer to EVM TRON EOSIO Solana BTC

TokenPocket supports qrcode protocol as follows:

  • Receipt qrcode

  • Create Eos Account qrcode

  • Import BTC watch-wallet qrcode

  • DApp login qrcode

  • DApp call wallet to transfer tokens qrcode

  • DApp call wallet to sign tx qrcode

  • DApp call wallet to sign message qrcode

  • WalletConnect

  • Add DApp to Favorites qrcode

  • Open DApp qrcode

Receipt qrcode

The EVM network support two kinds of receipt qrcode


The EOSIO network support two kinds of receipt qrcode

// ScanProtocol
	"address": "xiaoyuantest", //receiver account
	"amount": "0", 
	"symbol": "EOS", 
	"contract": "eosio.token",
	"precision": 4,
	"protocol": "ScanProtocol", 
	"blockchain": "EOS", 
	"action": "transfer"

BTC, TRON, Cosmos, SOL,IOST,Polkadot, use address or account(IOST) to generate receipt qrcode

Create Eos Account

The qrcode is used to create Eos account

	"account": "pubyeoaad33k", //the account to be created
	//owner to the new account
	"owner": "EOS7eZbMjyMxtp35sg6xHcqtEHzEYb7ahzdHRAGcYgcJW8k8V8PnS", 
	//active to the new account
	"active": "EOS7eZbMjyMxtp35sg6xHcqtEHzEYb7ahzdHRAGcYgcJW8k8V8PnS",
	"blockchain": "EOS", //network
	"action": "createAccount"

Import BTC wallet-wallet

	"action": "watchWallet",
	"data": [{
		"blockchain": "BTC",
		"extend_key": [{
			"key": "xpub6C7EYVsBR5Py964wD6Z71W5imraHCesnM9ofzAeKHXnow7yEzVJVgyZJub7VMDwuNYdwJLCgMrkzLhbdB6kbkLqXzzNg",
			"path": "m\/44'\/0'\/0'" //general
		}, {
			"key": "ypub6X2988R6rReDapW3dLojxVhw8MxiDU76xi16jhjHECfAaGTxdBp1tb4gJwNvvrU7Ye4uX5KjtAQPPtaZEf4j6pLWU",
			"path": "m\/49'\/0'\/0'" //segwit
		}, {
			"key": "zpub6rJrhc86dyTzQsBQNXujoTvAbGfFUr3TwQUdjy6SZgPkQmmFtRJRab92vhyMZufh7LSA5CcCiNaXRXr9TPAhPe32Z",
			"path": "m\/84'\/0'\/0'"  //nativeSegwit

Watch-wallet and Cold-wallet

So far, The watch-wallet and cold-wallet only supported by EVM series networks, EOS, TRX, BTC, SQL

Note: The QR code generated by the watch-wallet can be scanned at the QR code entry on the cold wallet homepage. but signed QR code generated by cold-wallet must b scanned at the QR code entry dialog box that pops up on the wallet-wallet


watch-wallet qrcode. This qrcode is used to scan by cold-wallet to sign

	"signType": "ethSignTx", 
	"blockchain": "ETH", //network
	"action": "coldWalletSign", 
	"sign": {
		"from": "0x8894E0a0c962CB723c1976a4421c95949bE2D4E3",
		"gas": "0x5208",
		"chainId": 1,
		"to": "0xdA5535939971B55c0Ecf4dAc961a8854D0aFad42",
		"value": "0x38d7ea4c68000",
		"type": "0x2",
		"maxFeePerGas": "0x11853fe080",
		"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x4a817c80",
		"nonce": "0x0"
//rawTransaction from cold-wallet


	"type": 21, 
	"isHash": 0, 
	"blockchain": "EOS",
	"action": "coldWalletSign",
	"sign": "aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906950fa362c88e74ec1a4b00000000013015a4b966ea3055000000572d3ccdcd0190b1cad3684f8deb00000000a8ed32322190b1cad3684f8deb602483a5c79a9f98e803000000000000045450540000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" //待冷钱包签名的数据
// signature


	"signType": "tronSignTx",
	"useTronHeader": true,
	"blockchain": "TRX",
	"action": "coldWalletSign",
	"sign": "b80514c0a5a9c498a60c8f76cdf45787e9522b16cc1" //data to sign it is the txID of tron tx


	"signType": "solanaSignTxMessages",
	"blockchain": "SOL",
	"action": "coldWalletSign",
	"sign": {
		"messages": ["87PYrB1jCEXWCkMKRvnub8UekEvf4LMp32PXBuNPMzdYqGU825U5iSw9UjKn81EeaxBtEZkS38auGm11m3LS1RsNrMd94VEax3ZpmQFyqxDGepsk871fFcKdXHAi3dR"]


	"blockchain": "BTC",
	"action": "coldWalletSign",
	"sign": "XU\/JbsIwEP2XufQSwI4dx86xKouAA5XoIhUO401BlJIShwZQ\/r2uqq6jmdEs743eXGDzUjWhhuLpAqHdWCjAS+k8WkOJ9TznmCllNTEStWSCEhpzhop5LY2lXGvHspxxLXguZGq0gwQqDGW8tFsNuLpaDchXRI\/bIz43DgraJ8NelkQF1rVQkATCqYpzqM1hU4US6zKCP5tFo2fuNPnAASrKkWRWCk8VyangUgmPXvpU5ZqaVKNnnnBJLZM5dOsE9k34\/hKtPbg61sBGvG7R5WYadsHN7Nw+4sL4ufHn5ZG9if34n1jZJX\/442mbGXtLp7y+pmy0vbnb3U+25+PDeFudlu51\/8OXfcbIL0uHPdGtu3c="
	//note that the sign data is compress by zlib and base64 encode, the origin text  is: 
	"inputs": [{
		"txid": "f88efadc93fb8cd14bbe35734b647682cbe",
		"path": "m\/49'\/0'\/0'\/0\/0",
		"value": 2.0E-5,
		"index": 0,
		"type": "scripthash",
		"scriptPubKeyHex": "a914a05d86f19071c2baf3f0481d387"
	"outputs": [{
		"address": "3F4sxae7cJtaPcfLcfzTv3w6oG",
		"value": 1.0E-8
	}, {
		"address": "3GJx5cdQWGkpyTeqo",
		"value": 1.330000000000002E-6
//the data is compress by zlib and base64 encode, decode by base64 and decompress by zlib to get signature


DApp login, transfer, sign tx, sign message

The DApp qrcode protocol is consistent with DeepLink, for details, please refer to:

Add DApp to Favorites

	"title": "Etherscan",
	"url": "https://etherscan.io/",
	"icon_url": "https://etherscan.io/images/logo-ether.png?v=0.0.2",
	"protocol": "TIP-001",
	"protocol_version": "1.0",
	"chain_list": [{
		"network": "ethereum",
		"chain_id": "1"
	"desc": "Etherscan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform",
	"full_screen": 0,
	"hori_vert": 0,
	"title_color": "0xffffff",
	"navi_color": "0x2890fe"

Add DApp to Favorites use TIP-001 protocol, for more details:

Open DApp

	"url": "https://dapp.mytokenpocket.vip/referendum/index.html#/",
	"chain": "EOS", 
	"source": "xxx"

Last updated