How to Cancel My Transaction?
In general, transactions on the Ethereum chain are relatively congested, and transactions can only be canceled before they are packed by miners, that is, transaction ID has not been generated on the blockchain.
How to cancel a transaction?
1. Open TokenPocket App, choose the transaction you need to cancel, and then click [Cancel]; (Take canceling ETH transfer as an example)
2. You can check details after entering the page, and then click [Confirm];
3. After checking the information, click [Confirm]; Note: The principle of canceling a transaction is to re-initiate a transfer of the same amount to cover the original transaction you sent, and this process also needs to be executed on the chain, so a small amount of the miner fee is still required.
4. After entering wallet password, your transaction will be canceled successfully.
Related Tutorial: How to accelerate my transaction?
Last updated