ZetaChain Testnet Use Guide

How to add ZetaChain Testnet to TokenPocket?

  1. Click [Easy add] on the upper right corner, enter [ZetaChain], select the second one [ZetaChain Athens Testnet]. You've successfully add ZetaChain Testnet to your TokenPocket Wallet!

How to create ZetaChain Testnet wallet on TokenPocket?

  1. Back to the page of [Select Network], click [ZetaChain Athens Testnet], click [Create Wallet].

2. Set the wallet name and password, click the User Agreement, and click [Create Wallet]. Watch and learn the video content, click [I got it].

4. Select the security tips, and click [Next Step]. Back up the secret recovery phrase on the paper and store it in a safe place. Click [Completed backup, verify now] .

5. Enter your secret recovery phrase, and click [Confirm]. At this point, you have successfully created a ZetaChain Testnet wallet.

Attention: Do not disclose the private key or secret recovery phrase to the third party!

How to import ZetaChain Testnet wallet on TokenPocket?

2. Click [Import Wallet], and select the way you want to import your wallet.

3. Take [Recovery Phrase import] as an example, enter your secret recovery phrase, wallet name, and password, click the User Agreement, and click [Import Wallet]. At this point, you have successfully imported a ZetaChain Testnet wallet.​​

Last updated